Muhammad ﷺ… The best man in the world influential in human history

Prophet Mohammad the best man in the world (ﷺ) peace be upon him become born in Saudi Arabia within the town of Makkah approximately 1400 years ago

Michael Hart says in his book:

The Most Influential People in History I chose Muhammad ﷺ peace be upon him, at the beginning of this list, and they must be surprised by this choice, and they are right in that. But Muhammad, peace be upon him, is the only human being in history who has achieved absolute success on the religious and worldly levels.

Everyone who knew him well, the purity of his nature, the purity of his heart, the nobility of his character, the soundness of his mind, the superiority of his intelligence, the presence of his intuition, the firmness of his resolve, and the softness of him.

Contrarily, the fair non-Muslims admitted that Among them are:

  • American orientalist (Washington Irving) says: “Muhammad was the seal of the prophets and the greatest Man of the messengers whom Allah Almighty sent to call people to worship Allah.”
  • Professor Yoshiodi Kozan, director of the Tokyo Observatory, says: (The greatest event in my life is that I studied the life of the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad, and realized its greatness and immortality).
  • The Swiss theologian Dr. Hans Kung says: (I searched in history for an ideal for this person, and I found it in the Arab Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace).
  • Thomas Carlyle says: (Actually I read the life of the Messenger of Islam well over and over again, and I did not find in it anything but best Moral as it should be, and how much I wished that Islam would be the way of the world).

The Moral of The Best Man in The World

The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, was the best of people in character, the most honorable and the most pious, and Allah testified to that. The Almighty said, praising and describing the character of His Noble Prophet, peace be upon him:
(وَإِنّكَ لَعَلَىَ خُلُقٍ عَظِيمٍ )
“And you are of a great character.”
His servant Anas bin Malik, may God be pleased with him, says: “The Prophet, peace be upon him, was the best of people in character.” –
His wife, Safiya bint Hayyi, may God be pleased with her, says: “I have never seen a better character than the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace.”
And when Aisha, may God be pleased with her, was asked about the Moral of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, she said: (His Moral was the Qur’an)

The Moral of the Prophet ﷺ “peace be upon him” with his family:

The Prophet, peace be upon him, was the best of people, the best of them to his family, and the best of them to his ummah with his kind words and good associating with his wife with honor and respect.
Where he peace be upon him, said: ((The best of you is the best to his family, and I am the best of you to my family)) Narrated by Al-Tirmidhi.
Among his generous Morals, peace be upon him, in his dealings with his family and his wifes, was that he was kind to them, and was courteous to them. (O Aisha) and honors her by calling her by her father’s name by saying to her: (O daughter of Alseddik) and this is nothing but affection, closeness, kindness to her and respect and appreciation for her family
He, peace be upon him, would help his family and help them in their affairs and be in their needs, and Aisha would wash with him.

The Morals of the Prophet ﷺ “peace be upon him” with Kids:

He, peace be upon him, would pass by the boys and greet them
And he, peace be upon him, would hear the crying of the boy he would hurry in prayer, fearing that his mother would be tempted.
And when he, peace and blessings of God be upon him, passed by the boys, he would greet them when they were young, and he was carrying his daughter in front of him, and he was carrying the daughter of his daughter, Umama bint Zainab, the daughter of Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, while he was praying with the people.

The Moral of the Prophet ﷺ “peace be upon him” with servants, the weak, and the needy people:

Anas, may God be pleased with him, he said, “I served the Prophet, peace be upon him, for ten years, and I swear of Allah, he never said, ‘Uh,’ nor did he say for anything, ‘Why didn’t you do this or why did you do this’?” – Narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim.
Aisha, may God Almighty be pleased with her, she said: The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, never hit a servant or a woman, nor did he ever hit anything with his hand, except to strive in the sake of Allah. Bukhari and Muslim.

His humility, ﷺ peace be upon him:

He, may God bless him and grant him peace, was the master of the humble.

(تِلْكَ الدّارُ الآخِرَةُ نَجْعَلُهَا لِلّذِينَ لاَ يُرِيدُونَ عُلُوّاً فِي الأرْضِ وَلاَ فَسَاداً وَالْعَاقِبَةُ لِلْمُتّقِينَ)
That home of the Hereafter We assign to those who do not desire exaltedness upon the earth or corruption. And the [best] outcome is for the righteous.

He, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, would answer the call of the free, the slave, the rich and the poor, and he would return the sick to the farthest reaches of the city, and he would accept the excuse of the excused one.

He humbles the believers, stands with the old man, visits the sick, sympathizes with the poor, reaches out to the wretched, consoles the weak, jokes with children, jokes with parents, speaks to the slave, eats with people, sits on the ground and sleeps on the earth, spreads sand and cushions the mats. when a man saw him he was a friad so prophet Peace be upon hime said “Take it easy, for I am the son of a woman who used to eat bread in Mecca.” Narrated by Ibn Majah.

His Invitation for Islam ﷺ “peace be upon him”:

His Invitation included all of creation, so he, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, was the most inviting, eloquent, and jihadist of God’s messengers. since the dawn of his call until he passed away to Allah, the Exalted and Most High.
His Invitation was in stages:

  • The first stage: prophecy
  • The second stage: Inviting his closest people
  • The third stage: Inviting his people
  • The fourth stage: Inviting people who did not receive any Inviting before him, and they are all Arabs
  • The fifth stage: Inviting all of the jinn and mankind to whom his call reaches until the end of Donia.
God Almighty has said to His Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him:
(قُلْ هَذِهِ سَبِيلِي أَدْعُو إِلَى اللَّهِ عَلَى بَصِيرَةٍ أَنَا وَمَنِ اتَّبَعَنِي وَسُبْحَانَ اللَّهِ وَمَا أَنَا مِنَ الْمُشْرِكِينَ).
Say thou: "This is my way: I do invite unto Allah,- on evidence clear as the seeing with one's eyes,- I and whoever follows me. Glory to Allah! and never will I join gods with Allah!"

and His Invitation, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, was all mercy, compassion, benevolence, and a desire to unite hearts and guide all people, with kindness.

His bravery ﷺ peace be upon him:

He, peace be upon him, was the bravest of people and the firmest of them in heart, which does not reach its extent in the constancy of courage and the strength of the heart.
And he said: “I swear of who My soul between his hand, I would like to be killed in the sake of Allah, then be brought back to life, and then be killed.” Narrated by Al-Bukhari.The people fled on the day of Hunayn, and only he, peace be upon him, and six of his companions were proven.
His face, peace and blessings be upon him, was crushed, his quadruple was broken, and seventy of his companions were killed, and they were neither weak nor fled, but he was sharper than the sword. On the day of Badr, he emerged and led the battle himself.

His laughter and kindness ﷺ peace be upon him:

And he, peace be upon him, was a good laughter with his family and companions. He jokes with his wives, adores them, makes them feel comfortable and talks to them in friendly, loving, tender and sympathetic conversations. when he met people, he would captivate their hearts, and their souls would turn completely to him, and their souls would rush to him, and he would joke and only say the truth, so his joke on the souls of his companions would be nicer than the hand of a caring father on the head of his meek son, joking with them, their souls revitalized and their chests opened. Their faces are released.

This was a drop from an ocean of qualities and morals of the best man in the world being known to mankind, which we hastily gathered from a humble contribution and brief words, perhaps God Almighty will open up our hearts to the truth, and guide blind hearts with them to comprehend a small aspect of greatness in the life of the best man in the world and the beloved of truth, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him. Peace be upon him.

crown of honor

“‏ يَجِيءُ الْقُرْآنُ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ فَيَقُولُ يَا رَبِّ حَلِّهِ فَيُلْبَسُ تَاجَ الْكَرَامَةِ ثُمَّ يَقُولُ يَا رَبِّ زِدْهُ فَيُلْبَسُ حُلَّةَ الْكَرَامَةِ ثُمَّ يَقُولُ يَا رَبِّ ارْضَ عَنْهُ فَيَرْضَى عَنْهُ فَيُقَالُ لَهُ اقْرَأْ وَارْقَ وَتُزَادُ بِكُلِّ آيَةٍ حَسَنَ.

The one who memorized the Qur’an shall come on the Day of Judgement and (the reward for reciting the Qur’an) says: ‘O Lord! Decorate him.” So he is donned with a crown of nobility. Then it says: “O Lord! Give him more!’ So he is donned with a suit of nobility. Then it says: “O Lord! Be pleased with him.’ So He is pleased with him and says: “Recite and rise up, and be increased in reward with every Ayah ‏”‏.